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Answers to Your Email Marketing Questions

Do you have email marketing questions before your first campaign takes off? Read on to have your doubts about email marketing cleared out!


Last updated on January 16, 2024

Emails have certainly stood the test of time.

What makes it even more promising is that organizations can propel themselves to new heights and improve their ROIs by following certain strategies.

Given that as per Statista, there are 4 billion daily email users, shows that getting their message to their audience can give them access to a lion’s share of the market.

Wish to steer clear of all your email marketing doubts before giving your campaign a head start?

Here’s a list of questions and answers to take you from a basic to an advanced level:

Q1. How can I sell more with email marketing?

There are plenty of ways to sell more with email marketing. Here they are:

  • Solving problems for your customer
  • Building trust with customer testimonials and case studies
  • Including a picture or a 3D walkthrough
  • Adding a key message in your email

Q2. How can I build trust through email marketing?

You can build trust by adding social proof, including senders’ details in the footer and reaching out with a respectable and prompt response to your customers are some of the few ways. You can also use a humane tonality along with personalized communication.

Q3. What is the best way to grow my email list?

One of the best ways to grow your email list is to make it easy to sign up, offer valuable content and ensure amplified engagement to name a few.

Q4. What is an email marketing software?

An email marketing software helps you create and send emails to your subscribers. It also helps you to measure the campaign performance. They also offer features such as templates, automation, list management, analytics, email tracking and designing email.

Q5. Should I buy an email database to start with email marketing?

Though it might seem tempting, it’s best to refrain from it as you might lose your credibility, while also violating the rules of consent under GDPR. Hence, it is best to get your audience’s email addresses after you seek their permission.

Q6. What should be the frequency of your emails?

Though it’s good to reach out to your customers as often as you can, you must ensure that you are not spamming your audience. The right email frequency will depend on your offering, target audience and other factors. While some organizations might send biweekly emails, some might resort to a lesser frequency along with maintaining high customer engagement. If there is a decline in engagement, consider reducing the email frequency. Gauging the right frequency might take some trial and error, or you can even resort to assessing insights from email marketing too. You can then increase your email frequency after experimenting with the engagement and conversion levels.

Q7. What is a great email marketing incentive?

Here are some of the email marketing incentives that you can include:

  • White papers
  • E-books
  • Video
  • Webinar
  • Coupons

Q8. What should my ‘from’ line say?

Your ‘from’ line must be recognizable. If the recipients find an unfamiliar ‘from’ line they might mark it as spam. The line must be from the organization’s name or the person’s name from the organization. Writing the person’s name along with the organization’s name can clear up confusion for the recipients.

Q9. How do I incorporate landing pages into the email?

Email content acts as a teaser which links the landing page with more information such as a teaser. The email must lead the recipient to the landing page. Further, the landing pages should be designed so that the desired action is fulfilled.

Q10. What are some of the ways to keep an email database clean?

You can keep the email database clean through email verification that removes invalid email addresses, list cleaning and archiving unengaged or inactive subscribers

Q11. What is the best time of the day to send emails?

The best timing to send emails depends on your offering and your customer base. Generally, you can send emails on weekdays, between 10 A.M. and 12 Noon. If you send a newsletter on a weekend, you can send it on Sunday night so that it’s the first thing your recipients see on a Monday morning. You must also consider time zones before sending emails. However, as with other things, finding the timing that works for your brand also requires thorough experimentation.

Q12. Should I resend an email?

Yes, you can consider resending an email, if you are sharing valuable information or if you wish to reiterate an idea. Here is what you must consider:

  • Tweak the content before resending the campaign
  • Craft a different subject line
  • Change the timing of your email when you resend
  • Analyze, track and monitor the campaign results

Q13. How to avoid emails from landing in the spam folder?

Here’s how you can avoid your emails from landing in the spam folder:

  • Seek permission to send emails
  • Consider the character limit of the subject line to be 45 characters
  • Use email spam checkers
  • Use the BCC function when delivering the message to a larger audience

Q14. What could cause the emails to land in the spam folder?

Sending emails to inactive recipients, including links to websites that are not secure, using phrases or words in the subject line that trigger the spam folder, can lead the emails to land in the spam folder. Moreover, sending high volumes of emails can also be a factor.

Q15. How to ensure an accessible email design?

Here’s how to ensure an accessible email design:

  • Include a text-only version of your email
  • Keep the font size above 14 pixels
  • Use contrasting colors, while ensuring that the text is contrasting against background colors
  • Create an email hierarchy for a clear and readable information flow
  • Links must be easy to navigate and click

Q16. What are the important aspects of an email design?

Some of the most important aspects of an email design are as follows:

  • Preview text (Pre-header text)
  • Subject line
  • Call-to-action button
  • Responsive design
  • Dynamic/personalized content
  • Email Layout

Q17. What should I do if I have a disengaged list?

A disengaged list might cause your email to land in the spam folder. You can reengage your subscribers by changing the approach and then catch their attention. Further, you can give them options if they want to keep hearing from you. Later on, you can consider deleting them.

Q18. What is the CAN-SPAM law?

The law is about including an unsubscribe link along with commercial emails. This will also include the organization’s office address or P.O. Box. The law refers to honoring the subscriber’s wish to unsubscribe at any time.

Q19. Hard vs. Soft bounce – What is the difference?

An undeliverable status, that can be caused by multiple factors, including a down server, an overflowing inbox, or an incomplete setup, can lead to soft bounces. However, a hard bounce can be caused by a deleted inbox, or by an incorrect email address.

Q20. Mailability vs. Deliverability – What is the difference?

Mailability refers to having access to the recipient’s permission to receive the email. In a nutshell, it refers to how well you are connected to the recipients. Whereas, email deliverability refers to the ability to deliver your message to the recipients on a specific time and date. This means that despite having consent, it doesnt mean that your emails will be delivered because there could be unexpected and unpredictable elements to be considered. To ensure a successful email deliverability, email tool tester suggests that the average email delivery rate is 85.7%.

Q21. What does my email deliverability depend on?

Your email deliverability will depend on multiple factors such as reputation, infrastructure, authentication and content.

Q22. What are some of the key challenges to email deliverability?

Here are some of the key challenges to email deliverability:

  • Correctly setting up email authentication
  • Sending emails to targeted and smaller email segments
  • Monitoring deliverability levels
  • Removing inactive subscribers from the list

Q23. Do I need to send newsletters to succeed in my email marketing efforts?

Using newsletters or not will depend upon your strategy, target audience and offering. While some audiences would want to listen to newsletters and some would only want to be contacted only when there is an offer or an urgent update.

Q24. What should be my email’s ideal length?

Your emails must be between being long enough to convey the message and short enough to not confuse or lose their attention. Since attention spans have gotten shorter, you must also place the elements properly, so that the message is conveyed quickly and efficiently.

Q25. How can I make my emails look better?

You can make your emails look better by considering the following aspects:

  • Using buttons and catchy images
  • Using animated GIFs to catch attention
  • Including vibrant and bold colors for an attractive email design
  • Adding consistent, fonts, sizes and styles to improve readability
  • Ensure enough white space

Q26. What are some of the recent trends in email marketing?

Some of the latest trends in email marketing include:

  • Transactional email
  • Video email infographic
  • GIFs

Q27. How should I measure the effectiveness of my email campaign?

The effectiveness of the email campaign can be determined through click-through rates, open rates, unsubscribe rates and conversions. These parameters can be gauged through email marketing software.

Q28. How should I increase my email response rates?

Email response rates are the number of responses you get after sending out emails. Response rates can be increased by focusing on sending times (avoid weekends), adding a clear value proposition for your subscribers and engaging them.

Q29. How should I increase my email click-through rates?

To increase your email’s click-through rates, your content needs to be aligned with your subscriber’s needs. It must be informative, relevant and compelling for the links and CTAs to be clicked. Moreover, you must also personalize the emails.

Q30. What elements should I test in my emails A/B testing?

A/B testing can be done for subject lines, templates, copy, CTAs and audience segments. Ensure testing only one element at a time.

In a nutshell

Email marketing if tapped into it in the right way, can reap excellent benefits for brand awareness, improving conversions, or boosting ROI.

We hope that you are now equipped with the answers to amplify your email marketing efforts and be a thriving part of the rapidly evolving email marketing scenario.

Talking about a rapidly developing landscape, I am sure nobody wants to be left behind!

And that is where we bring to you Icegram Express!

With newsletter broadcasts, deliveries, or engagement tracking, we are all set to transform your email marketing game!

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