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Complete Guide On Your First Email Campaign

Marketing your product, especially, when you are just starting requires lots of effort and budget. Especially if you don't know where to start. But there is a marketing channel that doesn't require heavy investment- Email marketing. Check out this complete guide to master your first email campaign.

Guide On Your First Email Campaign

Last updated on July 5, 2024

Marketing your product, especially when you are just starting, requires lots of effort and budget. Especially if you don’t know where to start. But there is a marketing channel that doesn’t require heavy investment. With genuine efforts and knowledge, you can promote your products effectively and even build better connections with your customers. And what is that? Email marketing. It is one of the best and most effective marketing channels to promote your product or services. It is also cost-effective.

If I look back to when I wrote my first email campaigns to what I do now, I feel like I was lacking so much. If only I had a proper guide to create my first campaign, it would have been better. And I would have seen results soon.

And therefore, here I am with a detailed guide on creating the first email marketing campaign to help beginners out there. So if you are new to email marketing and thinking where to start, check out this article till the end.

Checklist to create your first email campaign

Clear objectives

Have clear objectives before starting anything. Try to analyze your business goals and your expectations from this campaign. For different objectives, you will have to send different emails. For example:

  • If you are trying to increase your brand visibility, then try to send welcome emails, newsletters, promotional emails or educational content.
  • If you are trying to increase your sales and looking for higher conversion rates and ROI, sending promotional emails would help.
  • If you are trying to increase your customer retention and reduce churning, then try sending emails with customer testimonials, exclusive offers, etc.
  • If you are trying to increase your lead generation, then you can send educational content or interactive emails.
  • If you are trying to increase engagement and interaction, then you can create an email with interactive content with polls and surveys.
  • If you are trying to make a product launch announcement you can send an email with an exclusive sneak peek or launched announcement to increase the size traffic and successful product adoption.

Email List

Now the first thing that comes your way to send your first email campaign is the email list. Who are you going to send emails to? You need to have a proper email contact list to send your emails.

For this, you can use opt-in forms on your website to convert website visitors into your subscribers.

You can also highlight the benefits of subscribing to your visitors. You can even use your social media channels to promote email sign-ups. You can host webinars or events to collect email addresses. But make sure that the people are aware that you will be sending follower emails with it.

While doing this make sure to comply with various rules and regulations like GDPR and can spam. For this, you will have to use the subscriber data with consent. And also provide an easy way for them to opt out or manage their preference for receiving the emails. Additionally, with each email, you will have to add a button to unsubscribe.

Email Platform

After this, you will have to invest in a reputable email marketing platform. Choosing the right email marketing platform is important and it depends on your specific needs and preferences.

You can do a little research on different marketing platforms online and find out which one aligns with your goals and objectives more. Or you can simply skip and choose Icegram Express.
Icegram Express is a hero email marketing plugin that makes everything automated and easy for you. It is the all-in-one email marketing that helps you to create subscription forms with a simple drag-and-drop feature. It also helps you to create email sequences without any code. The best part is that you can choose the starter pack for free. It seamlessly integrates with WordPress. Additionally, it offers you unlimited contacts, emails and forms.

Subject line

Writing clear and concise subject lines is the best way to improve your CTRs. It allows you to communicate the value or content of the email to the reader. And motivates them to open the mail and check the content.

Different brands use various strategies for the subject lines. Some use urgency and action, while others try to instill curiosity. Now even try to use storytelling methods. So there is no such hard and fast rule to create a compelling subject line. It depends on your brand voice.

Before you come up with any subject line, do A/B testing. It helps you to determine which subject line will perform better and will have a better open rate. It also helps your email to avoid ending up in spam.

For this, divide your email list into two sections. Now send them to emails with different subject lines and check which one performs better. If an email campaign performs better then use the same subject line or its different forms for the rest of the email.

Body of the email

The body of the mail is as important as the subject line as it is where you will place your brand story and CTAs. Try to write engaging content.

Creating engaging content for a welcome email is important as it makes a positive first impression and keeps the subscribers interested in the brand.

Learn how to write effective email copy with this article- 5 Tips for Writing Informative and Compelling Email Copy

You can use a storytelling method to give them a brief and compelling story about your brand journey. You can also add stories that can build an emotional connection with the subscriber or add valuable or informative content to educate the subscriber related to your niches or industry.

You can also add exclusive offers. It does not have to be a discount every time but it can also be an ebook, white paper, checklist, or link to any content that your email subscribers find useful.

Test before sending

Now before sending your first email campaign, it is very important to ensure a seamless user experience. You can try to view your emails on various devices such as a laptop desktop or mobile. Ensure that the layout is responsive and images are displayed correctly while the text is readable on the different screens. If not you can make adjustments.

You can even test your emails across different email clients such as Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, etc., to ensure that it has a consistent design across various platforms.

You can even click on the links and buttons to ensure that they are working properly and are leading to the intended destinations.

You can also use spam filter testing tools to ensure that the email is not triggering spam filters.

Schedule your first email campaign

It is very important to send your emails at the right time to increase their effectiveness. And therefore, you have to schedule your email as per the time zone of your target audience. Also, understand that some emails perform better on the weekend while some on weekdays.

Track and analyze results of your first email campaign

After sending your first email marketing campaign, it is crucial to track and analyze the key metrics of to optimize your email marketing strategy in the future.

Here are a few key metrics that you need to monitor closely:

  • Open rates
  • Click-through rates
  • Conversion rates
  • Bounce rates
  • Unsubscribe rates
  • Time day analysis
  • Geography analysis
  • Device and platform analysis


To conclude this article, we can say that creating your first email campaign can be a little intimidating but with proper research you can master it. The only thing we would emphasize is that don’t stop or hesitate to send your first email. Just fulfill these quick checklists and you are good to go.

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