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How to Create Email Urgency? 3+ Email Marketing Urgency Tips

Creating email marketing urgency is key to cutting through your subscribers' busy inboxes. Using deadlines, time-sensitive content and consequences of waiting are a few tricks. What else can spark quicker action?

Create Urgency with Your Email

Last updated on July 3, 2024

Email marketing urgency: Because your inbox deserves excitement.

Why is it important to understand how to create email urgency? Let’s explore.

You send out emails to your list every week promoting your products and services. But sometimes you wonder—are people actually reading them and taking proper action? What’s the point if they just end up in the inbox, ignored among all the other messages?

To get people’s attention and motivate them to click, it’s important to instill a sense of email urgency.

A well-timed email reminder that an opportunity won’t last or stock is limited can light a fire under readers. With the right email urgency techniques, you can prompt them to engage right away rather than saving it for “later.”

In this feature, I’ll show some proven ways to create urgency in your emails so readers feel compelled to respond.

6 Ways to create email urgency with your emails – Fire up your email success rate

As an email marketing expert who has helped scores of entrepreneurs expand their brands and businesses, I can confidently state that learning to inject the correct degree of urgency into your emails is a game changer.

Think about this: According to studies, emails that promote a sense of urgency or exclusivity yield more than 50% higher average open and click rates.

Another article states that email subject lines that evoke a sense of urgency can boost open rates by 22% on average.

I don’t know about you, but those are very enticing email marketing metrics in my opinion!

The main aim is to use subtle approaches to gently urge our email recipients toward prompt conversion without putting them under pressure.

Allow me to offer my top tips for increasing email marketing performance and sales without ever becoming spammy. Read the tips below and learn how to create email urgency.

1. Emails that use deadlines content are ridiculously powerful; fuel email urgency

One powerful motivation that works for most businesses is the fear of missing out or FOMO. Basically, email marketing content or newsletters are full of deadline statements that provoke fear of missing out instances.

The main aim of these newsletters’ content is to push readers into action. So, you can definitely play with it. Say by announcing a limited-time offer or scarce resource in your email content, you can push people to click or even buy instantly.

For example, you may like to promote a free trial that’s only available for the next 48 hours. Or advertise a webinar with only 25 spots left. Readers will be more likely to sign up ASAP if they worry the chance will disappear.

You can also set internal deadlines, like offering a 10% discount on orders placed before the end of the week.

Putting an expiration date on special deals and perks creates a sense of urgency to purchase now rather than later.

Here’s how you can use deadlines subject lines in your emails:

  • Flash sales: “Score 50% off these epic sneakers, but only until midnight!”
  • Limited-edition offers: “Grab the last few spots in my exclusive public speaking workshop before they’re gone!”
  • Early bird specials: “Get 10% off your order if you shop before the end of the week!”

Remember, the key is to make the deadline clear and exciting. Think countdown timers, scarcity numbers and words like “last chance” and “limited time.”

I use the Icegram Express email marketing tool which has been a game-changer for both me and our clients. Let me tell you about Express – it’s hands down one of the finest WordPress email marketing plugins out there. It’s super easy to use and helps create awesome deadline newsletters.

What’s even more exciting is that this WP email marketing plugin offers a free version. It’s not just any free version – it’s a powerful tool that can turn you into an expert in email marketing strategies.

2. Promote time-sensitive content to force multiple email urgency

Now, let’s talk about promoting content that’s all about the here and now.

If you’ve got a new blog post, online course or virtual event, it’s time to shout about it. People who speak on stages, write blogs or run online stores are masters at this. And you can be too!

You just have to play with the right content for your readers.

So, consider this: You create an email or email newsletter teasing an upcoming webinar next Tuesday at 2 PM.

What does that make you want to do? Sign up, right?

Or you can create a newsletter that talks about a new podcast episode airing this weekend. You wouldn’t want your readers to miss that, would you?

And here’s a cool trick – release your best content for free, but at a specific time or holiday.

By detailing specific dates and times, it makes the content feel like a momentary opportunity. It’s saying, “Hey, engage right now because this won’t be around forever.”

Tease just enough to get you interested, but not too much to give everything away for free.

3. Low inventory alerts – “almost sold out” email marketing urgency tactic

Imagine checking your inbox and stumbling upon an email that screams urgency – your favorite product is on the verge of selling out!

As a shopper, it’s a thrilling yet slightly nerve-wracking experience.

Now, as someone who loves crafting compelling emails, I’ve witnessed the power of scarcity.

Sure, some businesses fear customer frustration, but here’s the secret: strategically allowing brief sell-out periods can create a rush like no other.

For example, I often use Icegram Express newsletters and automate alerts notifying customers when the inventory is running low, gently pushing readers to make a purchase before it vanishes.

Here are a couple of more email subject line examples that you can use to highlight low inventory –

  • Quick action needed! Our best-seller is vanishing fast.
  • Limited stock remaining – grab yours before it’s history!

4. Back in stock excitement – the comeback kid

Ever had your eyes on a product that always seems to be out of stock?

Well, let me share a marketing trick with you.

Imagine receiving an email notifying you that the product you’ve been longing for is back in stock.

As an email marketer, turning this scarcity into a marketing advantage is pure genius. You play on the anticipation and loyalty of your customer base, who rush to grab the product before it sells out again.

Here’s a subject line example that emphasizes back-in-stock excitement –

It’s back! Your favorite product is back in stock. Act fast – it disappeared quickly last time!

5. One-time releases and flash sales – super surprising strategies

To become an influential email marketer, you have to focus more on the experience rather product. My newsletters or B2B emails mostly speak about experiences. As a marketer, I want my readers to feel special or unique.

The magic happens when you can introduce exclusive collections, one-time releases or flash sales. I love flash sales and always keep a narrow time margin like 24-48 hours. It can work for you too.

If you have exclusive collections, you can pair up with an influencer and notify your email readers about it. Or, offer a super discount code for that special product.

Do you know Icegram Express has in-built flash sales templates? Download Express (Free, Pro and Max) and use it to boost email urgency effortlessly.

But make sure that you use this tactic sparingly for maximum impact. Too much of a good thing can dilute its magic.

Here’s a graphical representation of a typical flash-sale email urgency newsletter for eCommerce or WooCommerce businesses.

how to create email urgency_email marketing urgency newsletter example

6. Cause-drive email commerce – shopping for good

If you’re a good Samaritan and believe in leaving a lasting positive impact, this is for you too.

In my experience as a marketer, attaching a charitable cause to our offers has not only driven sales but also positioned our brand as socially responsible.

I do that often in my email newsletters.

Here’s the game plan: Instead of offering a discount, I pledge to donate a percentage of proceeds to a specific charity on certain days.

It’s a win-win – customers get the satisfaction of contributing to a cause they care about. And, I get to make a positive difference.

Bonus tip 1: Use force multiplier like social proofs to fuel email marketing urgency

Case studies, reviews and social signals can give readers confidence to take the plunge. However, you should be transparent about incentivized reviews.

In your email newsletters or email sequences, you can share any helpful testimonials or customer spotlights to humanize your brand.

Additionally, I also try to quantify engagement whenever possible.

For example, I keep track of how many people have already signed up or how few products remain. I frequently use such insight as a social proof.

Icegram Express is a wonderful email marketing plugin in WordPress that can create wonderful newsletters to highlight social proof and testimonials.

Use Express and fire up your email urgency performance. Read Icegram Express Documentation to get started free of cost!

Bonus tip 2: How to create email urgency beyond the inbox

While email is a powerful tool, remember, urgency can be woven throughout your customer experience.

Here are some bonus marketing urgency ideas:

  • Website countdown timers: Create a sense of anticipation for upcoming sales or limited-edition releases.
  • Live chat pop-ups: Offer exclusive deals or limited-time discounts to chat participants.
  • Social media scarcity updates: Tease upcoming product launches or hint at limited quantities of popular items.
  • Mobile app notifications: Send targeted alerts for personalized offers or flash sales happening in real time.

Concluding slice

The key to email urgency is finding subtle ways to tap into human motivations like FOMO, social proof and getting a good deal – without coming across as pushy or misleading.

Growing my business is important, but keeping my readers’ trust is even more so.

I want them to feel taken care of each step of the way, not like I’m just trying to make a sale. Their long-term loyalty and satisfied experience are much more valuable in the end.

Of course, actually having great products or services that improve lives is ultimately the best way to motivate repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth.

But strategic email outreach and email sequences at the right moments can gently boost those natural benefits.

Overall, don’t be afraid to give people a nudge when a great opportunity presents itself.

Just do so honestly and make sure your readers feel respected, not manipulated.

With patience and care for the customer journey, you really can effectively create email marketing urgency while keeping your reputation rock-solid and conversions higher.

I’m excited to test more ideas. Do share any ideas if you have in the comments below.

If you want to try Icegram Express to create email urgency newsletters, here’s the demo link. Get Express here and amp up your email marketing efforts!

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