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Email Design Trend 2024

Email trends can help you to enhance engagement and conversion rates. Check out the latest email design trends of 2024 to keep yourself updated.

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Last updated on July 4, 2024

Email Design Trend 2024

Emails are timeless! It was in trend and will always be due to its usability and effectiveness. But if you don’t agree with us or have faced different results in your last campaign, then worry not. Rather than challenging the whole email, we would suggest you try out different email designs. Yes, even though they make appearances only for the beautification of the email, they play a huge role in the success of your email campaigns.

So, let’s find out 5 best email design trends that you can use. By implementing these trends, you can make your email modern and appealing to the recipients which will increase the likelihood of interaction and conversion.

5 email design trend 2024

Minimalist layouts

Minimalism is the new language for elegance and efficiency.

This trend gained momentum in 2023 with an emphasis on simplicity over extravagance. It tapped into different industries and email marketing was one of them.

Brands with clean layouts, aesthetic typography, and strategic use of space attracted the most audiences. This trend aligned with the user experiences by removing unnecessary elements and resulted in faster loading times and increased accessibility.

As we transit into 2024, this email design trend is expected to solidify even more. Brands will likely refine their approaches by incorporating minimalistic elements and creating a strong visual identity. So for the upcoming year, the first thing you should pay attention to is implementing minimalist email designs.

The key benefits of this minimalistic trend are:

  • Improved user experience: By eliminating unnecessary clutter from the email, you can increase the user experience. The user will navigate through the email easily and focus on essential things without distractions.
  • Faster loading times: Simple designs mean faster loading time. It enables the overall efficiency of the email and reduces the bounce rate.
  • Modern and clean aesthetic: Minimalistic designs are not only user-friendly but also visually appealing. They establish a strong impression of the brand on the audience and increase their engagement.

Dark mode optimization

Dark mode has gained immense popularity in recent times. Many users now prefer dark mode to reduce eye strain and improve readability in low-light conditions. It is also aesthetically pleasing and offers a comfortable reading experience.

By following and implementing this trend in your email designs, you can:

  • Enhanced user experience: Users always come first and by improving their experience, you can easily expect to become their favorite. If you think carefully most of them have high digital time, which results in frequent eye strain.

    By implementing this trend, you can offer more comfortable reading experiences to your audience and not contribute to the eye fatigue caused by extended screen time.

  • Tailoring to varied user experience: You never know when and in what environment your audience might access the email. By implementing dark mode throughout your emails, you can accommodate diverse presence and lighting conditions and ensure a smooth and consistent user experience.
  • Focus on important things: Using dark mode can help you highlight important elements of the email, such as text or CTAs. It also highlights images or videos making it more visually appealing.

Interactive elements

Interactive elements are not just a trend you have to implement this year or that year. It is a dynamic email design trend that keeps on evolving and changing. The whole motto behind is to increase user engagement. By implementing this, you can capture user attention and increase your conversion rate. And this is why, different brands are adopting dynamic elements like accordions, carousels, quizzes, gamify experience, etc.

The top benefits of the interactive elements of this trend are:

  • Multi-layered content delivery: By using interactive elements, such as clickable sections, table of contents, and clickable decision trees, you can personalize the content experience of your user and have them choose the path of their interaction. Rather than receiving all the content together, they can navigate through the content and choose one according to their interest and needs.
  • Improved information retention: Interactive elements like clicks, swipes, and other actions increase the learning experience of the users by actively engaging them. It also increases their comprehension and retention ability. You can also include quizzes and assessments within the content to encourage active recall and offer rewards.

    By using elements like infographics and product demonstrations you can visually communicate complex topics making your email much more than a sales pitch. You can also include videos rather than simple boring texts to explain product tutorials.

  • Real-time feedback and insights: By using interactive elements you can get measurable data such as click-through rates times spent on specific interactions and user responses. It creates a whole new feedback loop that allows you to understand the effectiveness of your content and how well it resonates with your audience.

    Additionally, by embedding feedback and surveys in the emails, you can offer a direct channel for gathering insights about your customers.

Bold colors and playful elements

Even though the minimalist trend has occupied a significant portion of the market and will continue to rule, there is one more trend that has the potential to explode next year – the use of bold and playful colors.

If your brand has a fun and joyful brand voice, you cannot stick to a minimalistic trend. Instead, you can gain customers’ attention through bold colors and playful elements.

Imagine a trail of boring shops with monochromatic colors. And in the midst of it, you find small and colorful shops with bold and playful fonts. Which one would you go in?

Vibrant and playful colors can stand out and at the same time grab the attention of your audience.

By using vibrant hues, contrasting combinations, and gradients, you can inject a sense of energy and excitement into your readers. And even if your readers are bored with the emails from the same product category, they might want to click your CTA to explore more.

Even by using playful fonts with unique personalities and quirky styles, you can change your brand image. By using bold and eye-catching fonts you can stand out among the sea of plain email text and create a sense of curiosity in the mind of the audience.

AI-powered tools

AI is not new but one of the hottest trends this year and will continue to rule next year too.

AI helps you to create dynamic and hyper-personalized content. Imagine an email platform that automatically personalizes your emails to make them more interactive. No, it’s not a dream.

  • Dynamic content: The AI can read the real-time data of your customer and include various elements in the email, such as their product suggestions, showcase past purchases even change the email theme as per the location.

    People are using AI platforms to design emails to make them more interactive and increase conversion rates. Many email platforms offer a drag-and-drop feature to design your emails. It also automatically suggests a suitable layout color palette and even helps you design the content based on your goal and audience.

  • Predictive analysis: The AI can also help you to predict the analytics for the user behavior so that you can tailor your email campaign accordingly. It helps you to understand the right time and right content for different audiences to maximize engagement and conversion.
  • Chatbots and virtual assistance: Another way to make your emails more interactive and increase engagement is by embedding an AI-powered chatbot and virtual assistant within your email. They can easily answer the questions of your customers and have them schedule appointments. It also increases the user experience and eliminates any possibilities of procrastination or forgetting.


In conclusion, staying updated about the latest email design trends is very important. It is not just a matter of aesthetics but directly impacts your user engagement, and conversion brand authority. By embracing the latest trends you can optimize your email communication and connect with your audience in a better way.

You can try out the Icegram Express plugin to get thousands of trendy email designs that work seamlessly across all devices.

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