The Pope asked Michelangelo: ‘Tell me the secret of your genius. How have you created the statue of David, the masterpiece of all masterpieces?’ Michelangelo’s answer: ‘It’s simple. I removed everything that is not David.

– Rolf Dobelli, The Art of Thinking Clearly


I’m staring at a blank screen. Hands-on the keyboard but no words coming out.

​​A pile of work in front of me – but somehow I can’t get moving.

Is something wrong with me?

Have you been in a similar situation?

It’s the dreaded creative block.

We get stuck. But I’ve also realized these blocks help you discover yourself and produce high-quality work.

Let’s see how.

Get unstuck

Before even telling you about why we hit a creative block, I think it’s worthwhile to go through what I do to get unstuck.

  • Listen to some music
  • Stand up and stretch
  • Take a break – do something easier first
  • Instead of writing the intro, write the conclusion first
  • Try doing another task in the project instead of the one I’m stuck with
  • Don’t do two things together – definitely not a personal and professional
  • Brain dump everything in a journal
  • Just freaking get started – we can always revise later

Creative blocks are when you can’t think, work or progress.

So why do we get blocked?

Lots of reasons – emotional, psychological, or even practical. From sleep deprivation to a mental breakdown, but a few of them are:

  • Self-critical behavior – typical of people like you and me
  • Fear – especially of rejection
  • A sudden change
  • Confusion and overwhelm
  • Lack of sleep or unhealthy lifestyle
  • Emotional breakdowns – loss of a loved one, upsets or other mishaps

Ultimately, it’s some sort of internal incompletion that holds us from taking action. And the most effective way to deal with it is to acknowledge it (rather than resist it) and throw yourself in action.

How do you get unstuck? Do reply and share.

Internal linking strategies for SEO

The quality of internal links (another page on your site) and external links (a page on some other site) can change how search engines perceive your blog post. Links to high quality content will make the search robots believe your content is good too!

Here’s what you can do:

  • Focus on internal links within the page / post content – rather than links in header / footer / sidebar.
  • Spread the “link juice” – add links to multiple different internal pages, and have more internal links to important pages
  • Build a web of links from one page to another – home page to landing pages to feature pages to blog posts to other relevant blog posts to some other landing pages and so on.
  • Create clusters of topics and cross link within each other
  • Use appropriate link text with keywords you want to target – but avoid exaggerations and don’t use the same anchor text for two different pages
  • While doing this, do not forget the reader – make sure the links you add are actually relevant
  • Use internal links to product pages or to drive people further in your sales funnel
  • Place good links high up in the page to reduce bounce rate
  • If you can’t link other pages from within the content, you can always link them as “additional resources

When will you spend one hour implementing some of these recommendations?

A masterclass on marketing

A marketing degree costs $80k.

But, you can learn from world-class teachers for free on Twitter.

Here are 10 masterclasses on 10 different aspects of marketing – from copywriting to landing page conversion. Lots of actionable lessons.

Two time-saving Chrome extensions…

Checker Plus for Gmail – shows the number of unread messages, lets you archive messages, open them in Gmail directly, and more – all from within Chrome.

Clipboard History Pro – stores everything you copy and lets you quickly access it later. Very handy

A writing prompt

How would you spend $1,000,000 in fun and creative ways if it was handed to you right now? No saving it, paying off debts or donating it. You must spend-spend-spend!

Crazy but true


Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different.

Liked this week’s newsletter content? Do reply and share your feedback.


Nirav Mehta, Icegram

Nirav Mehta Icegram