“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.”

– Aristotle


Every marketing strategy has its challenges…

Email marketing is no exception. One of the biggest hurdles is “churn.” A fancy term, but it simply means the number of people who unsubscribe from your emails.

To tackle churn, and keep your email list in top shape, many people find email scrubbing (a process to reduce the size of your email list by removing invalid, inactive, and low-quality addresses) to be a game changer. VerifyBee reports 5 to 30% of emails as invalid. Over time, old addresses become obsolete too.

Regular email scrubbing enhances deliverability rates, reduces spam risk, and boosts overall engagement in our campaigns.

If you are not cleaning up your email list regularly, it’s time to embrace email scrubbing now. You will be able to get the best out of your efforts then.

The email scrubbing process: ensuring a pristine email list

With a clean email list, the messages you send are more likely to reach those who are genuinely interested in your content. So here’s a step-by-step guide to help you achieve success with your email scrubbing efforts.

Step 1: Identify the inactive ones

Start by discovering who among your subscribers are inactive and separate them from the active ones. Typically, if a subscriber hasn’t opened or clicked on your emails in around 90 days, it’s safe to assume they’ve lost interest. Of course, this may vary depending on your sending frequency. If you send emails very infrequently, adjust the time frame accordingly.

Step 2: Segment them away

Once you’ve pinpointed the inactive subscribers, it’s time to create a dedicated “inactive” segment in your email marketing platform. This will help you keep them separate from your engaged audience. If you’re using Icegram Express, they provide user-friendly steps for segmenting inactive subscribers which is available in the Max plan. For other platforms, a quick search for “how to segment inactive users” will provide tailored guides.

Step 3: Say goodbye to duplicates and spam

In addition to removing the inactive bunch, it’s important to address any duplicate, spam, or misspelled email addresses. Duplicate addresses can occur when subscribers accidentally sign up multiple times – likely across multiple lists. Spam addresses waste your resources on non-existent recipients. Misspelled addresses cause delivery issues and might cost you potential leads. Thankfully, Icegram Express can flag invalid and spam emails, also it doesn’t allow duplicate emails in the first place.

Step 4: Woo them back

Before completely scrubbing your list, try a win-back email campaign to reignite the interest of inactive subscribers. Craft targeted and personalized messages to reconnect with them. You can directly ask if they want to continue receiving emails or sweeten the deal with a discount or special offer. Statistics show that 45% of recipients who receive win-back emails will open future ones, so it’s definitely worth a shot.

You can enhance the quality of your emails by utilizing our Icegram Express plugin, which enables you to assess both your engagement score and spam score. Furthermore, the Icegram Express Max plan offers an additional advantage with its bounce handling feature, aiding in the identification of invalid email addresses.

By following these steps diligently, you can ensure your email list remains clean, engaged, and receptive to your communication efforts.

Here’s your chance to win… 🎉

Since we’re talking about email effectiveness, we’re giving away Icegram Express Max licenses for a whole year to 5 people.

To enter, just click the link below and follow the instructions. But hurry up! You only have until June 14th to enter.

Click here to enter the June draw! 🌸

Until next time,

Nirav Mehta, Icegram

Nirav Mehta Icegram