“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”

– Henry Ford

Is my website receiving enough traffic? Is my website good enough? Should I optimize it for conversions?

These are a few questions that bother a website owner.

In this newsletter, I will help you figure answers to these questions and also help you get some real insights from your website visitors.

It’s a known fact that website get more new visitors compared to returning visitors. But these new visitors tend to abandon your site within a few seconds or leave once they get the answer to their search query.

Again these are generalizations, a new visitor might leave your website due to multiple reasons and the best way to figure it out is by asking visitors directly.

Here are 5 ways you can get real feedback from your website visitors:

Get real feedback from your visitors

  1. Feedback Forms: Make a one-step feedback form that pops up or set a floating bar to receive feedback from visitors.

    Tip: Personalize the feedback form as per the page. For example, if it is the pricing page, you can ask a question like ‘Did you find the price too high? What according to you, should we price our product?’

  2. Sentiment Analysis & NPS: Set a smiley-styled feedback block to analyze how your blog readers react to your content. You can use NPS – Net Promoter Score strategy to see how likely your visitors/customers recommend you to their circle.
  3. Heatmap Software: You don’t necessarily need visitors to reply to gather feedback from them. At times tracking your web visitors’ behavior using heatmap software like Hotjar or Microsoft Clarity can help you understand them a lot better. Optimize your UI and content based on the collective interaction made by your web visitors.
  4. Conduct Polls: Search your most visited and exited page via your analytics tool. Create a poll with choices to choose from. Also, open your comment section for blogs. These will provide you with clues to improvize your web retention rate.
  5. Personalized Chat Triggers: Website visitors will feel connected when a live human chat is available. So you can ask for feedback or request the exact query your web visitors are looking for. Tawk.to tool’s advanced trigger article will help you initiate personalized chat popup triggers.

NOTE: Make sure you don’t compromise the privacy of your audiences. Collect and process the data you received with care. Also, make sure not to over crowd your web page with various feedback mechanisms. Try to figure which one works the best with your visitors and stick to that.

I hope you are successful in collecting some real feedback and gaining insights from your visitors.

Do share your experience after experimenting. I would love to hear you out!

Link salad


A mixture of resources for an inquisitive mind.

  • VisualPing – Get an alert when a specific web page content gets altered
  • InterestInsights – Get a notification when someone in a Facebook group posts an update containing your keyword
  • ScribeHow Extension – Handy browser extension to annotate, record and share your documentation quickly
  • LearningSEO.io – Learn SEO using a structured flowchart and collection of curated marketing resources
  • Google Public Data – Large dataset directory owned by Google to explore and forecast data
  • Did you know? Users are fickle, and 88% of online consumers report being less likely to make a return visit to a website if they encounter a bad user experience. [Amazon Web Services]

A writing prompt

What’s the most challenging or painful conversation you ever had with a parent?

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Keep shining,

Nirav Mehta, Icegram

Nirav Mehta Icegram