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The Power of Seasonal Campaigns: 10 Unusual Newsletter Strategies

From sizzling summer fun to cozy winter cheer, unleash 10 unexpected campaign ideas to craft engaging emails that resonate with your audience & drive results. Skyrocket engagement, conversions, & brand love - all year long!


Last updated on January 17, 2024

Whether it’s the joy of the holiday season, the serenity of spring, the warmth of the summer, or the coziness of fall, each season presents a unique opportunity for brands to engage with their audience.

By aligning your newsletter strategies with seasonal events and adapting to shifting consumer behavior, you can tap into the anticipation, excitement, or sentimentality naturally associated with different times of the year.

This adaptive approach not only keeps your newsletters fresh and relevant, but it also increases the chances of your communication resonating with your subscribers, thereby boosting its effectiveness.

Seasonality in newsletters is about more than just changing the colors of your email template to match the time of year—though that helps too!

10 Newsletter strategies for seasonal campaigns

Refreshing your newsletter strategy for seasonal campaigns means only partially revamping your content. It’s more about infusing it with that relevant seasonal touch. Here are ten unique strategies designed to help you tailor your newsletters for seasonal success:

Curate seasonal content themes

Thematic content that resonates with the current season can significantly enhance subscriber engagement. Seasonal content themes can increase engagement by up to 30% as they resonate with the current interests of the audience.

For instance, consider weaving a holiday-specific narrative into your content during a festive season or themed recipes during harvest time. Make sure your content not only sells but also entertains, educates, and connects with your audience.

Newsletter strategies

For example, developing a relevant email list in advance of Halloween is a great way to ensure higher sales during this type of seasonal event.

Highlight limited-time seasonal offers

Limited-time offers can strategically increase your sales by creating a sense of urgency. Use aesthetically pleasing designs to present these offers in your newsletter. Whether it be a Halloween flash sale or a Valentine’s Day special offer, make it irresistible!

Limited time offer

For example, the famous Gucci uses a countdown timer newsletter to let customers know about their upcoming offers. A countdown timer is more like a push to encourage hesitant customers to buy by making them feel like they have limited time left.

Incorporate seasonal surveys and polls

Interactive content like surveys and polls is not just engaging but can also provide insights into your customers’ preferences. Interactive content like surveys and polls can increase click-through rates by up to 50%. Try asking your subscribers what they love most about winter or what’s their favorite summer activity. You can use this information to align your future campaigns with your customers’ likes and interests.

Feature user-generated seasonal content

Encourage your subscribers to share their seasonal stories or photos. Try to build a sense of community and authenticity by featuring this user-generated content in your newsletters. Perhaps they can share their Christmas decorations or summer vacation snaps!

user generated

For instance, remember “Share a Coke” This campaign was a huge success because it created a sense of community and nostalgia. It also encouraged customers to engage with the brand and share their experiences. Additionally, it generated a lot of positive publicity for the brand.

Offer seasonal loyalty rewards

Nothing says thank you like rewarding your loyal customers. Your newsletters can be an excellent platform to announce exclusive seasonal rewards or loyalty points. This not only fosters a greater sense of brand loyalty but also encourages customers to make a purchase.

Provide seasonal tips and how-tos

Offering timely tips and how-to guides catered to each season is a superb way to provide value and position your brand as a helpful resource. It could be tips on keeping warm in winter, gift guides for the holiday season, or garden care in spring.

Spotlight new seasonal products or services

Is there a new product or service lined up for the upcoming season? Your newsletter is the perfect vehicle to introduce it. Use high-quality images and compelling descriptions to highlight these seasonal offerings.

spotlight promo

For this instance, this example shows how including some catchy lines at the beginning of your email will help you get the audience’s attention. Adding an element of mystery can also keep them engaged and curious about what’s to come. Don’t forget to include a pre-act CTA to get them excited about the product launch and some contact information in case they have any questions.

Engage with seasonal video content

Incorporating video content in your newsletters can make your seasonal messages even more engaging. It could be behind-the-scenes at your holiday party or a fun-themed tutorial. Always ensure the videos enhance rather than distract from your message.

Personalize with weather-triggered content

The weather outside can influence what products or services your subscribers may need. For example, on a snowy day, why not recommend some cozy blankets from your online store? Or on a hot day, how about some thirst-quenching drinks?

Recap the year with a seasonal review

Finally, as the year draws to a close, why not take your subscribers on a trip down memory lane? Recap the highlights of the year, remind them of the fantastic journey they’ve been a part of, and prime them for the exciting things in store for the next year.

Adopting a dynamic, seasonal approach to your newsletter strategies can significantly improve engagement and sales. Remember, the key is to add value, engage, and make every interaction with your brand a delightful experience for your customers. It’s time to experiment and discover what works best for your brand and audience.


From curating thematic seasonal content and spotlighting your new seasonal offerings to personalizing your messages based on the weather, there’s no shortage of opportunities to make your newsletters more timely and relevant.

The key lies in understanding your audience, staying true to your brand message, and, of course, keeping your content fresh and engaging with each passing season. Implement limited-time offers to create a sense of urgency, use the power of user-generated content to build community, and don’t forget to reward your loyal customers with special treats during key celebrations.

If you’d like to put these strategies into action right away, sign up for Icegram Express. This plugin offers easy-to-use features that can help you create dynamic and compelling seasonal campaigns. Don’t wait – sign up today and start making your newsletters stand out from the crowd!

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