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Customer Happiness with Triggered Email Marketing Mastery

Triggered email marketing mastery seems like a scary tech game. I think – they are super beneficial and fun. Let me break it down for you in simple and also suggest apt email marketing tools.

Triggered Email Mastery

Last updated on July 4, 2024

Sending the right email message at the right moment – automatically. Does it make sense? Triggered email marketing mastery can make it happen. If you want to learn the very best of triggered email marketing automation, read this article. Find why triggered email marketing mastery isn’t as scary as you would imagine.

In this blog post, I will share with you some tips, tools and ethical practices on how to master triggered email marketing and make your customers super happy. Let’s get started with triggered email marketing automation!

What’s the big deal with triggered email marketing mastery?

Triggered email marketing automation brings instant results and in good magnitude. Its mastery is something that you must learn if you’re in email marketing or handling an online business, or having your own WordPress/WooCommerce websites.

Triggered emails are those automatic messages that get sent when a user does something specific on your website or email newsletters.

For instance, when someone signs up for a newsletter, I can welcome them with a nice email.

Or if someone leaves their shopping cart behind or leaves the website without a purchase, I can remind them about it.

Even after someone makes a purchase, I can send a super cool thank-you or introductory email. I use Icegram Express, an awesome WordPress email marketing plugin, for designing these types of email newsletters.

Check out Amazon’s triggered email example below. It’s intended to collect reviews and notify user that his/her product has been delivered.

triggered email marketing mastery_triggered emails amazon example

So, you might wonder, why is triggered email marketing so effective.

There are multiple reasons behind it. Trigger email works efficiently since it increases the likelihood of loyalty and saves time.

Trigger emails work like magic, instantly tailoring messages to a shopper’s details and actions by aligning their data with our product catalog. This means our email outreach becomes super personalized in a blink!

Also read: Automated drip campaign, everything you need to know

The statistics also show that trigger emails have a very high success rate.

In Q4 2018, the open rates of trigger emails increased by 76% when compared to usual business emails and the click-through rates more than doubled.

The aforementioned analysis also emphasizes that, even with their effectiveness, these automated emails usually account for less than 5% of all emails delivered in a quarter, with just 1.6% of emails delivered in Q4 2018.

This amazing email marketing strategy is being overlooked by a great deal of companies and startups.

In my opinion, entrepreneurs and marketers should concentrate more on automated emails in order to increase the success of their email campaigns and earn money.

But check this – why are triggered emails so effective? Being a Harry Potter fanatic, this is how I would break down the amazing things about triggered email marketing:

  • Think of triggered emails like the magic in Harry Potter books. They work wonders and are loved by many.
  • They make my customers feel like they’re part of an exclusive group, just like Harry felt when he got his Hogwarts letter.
  • They also build a connection between me and my customers, like the one Harry had with Dumbledore.
  • Most importantly, they make customers feel important and valued, just like Harry when he discovered his destiny.

In short, triggered email marketing mastery has become the perfect catalyst for building trust and ensuring customers keep coming back to my website for more.

Icegram Express is available with robust email automation features. It only takes me a few seconds in Express WP plugin to set up a triggered email marketing campaign using workflow automation.

So, why wait? Grab Express today and make your triggered email automation super successful!

triggered email marketing mastery_triggered email marketing_triggered emails express example

How to start with triggered email marketing mastery?

Now that you know why triggered email marketing matters, let’s see how you can ace it and make your customers happy.

I hope you have already segmented your email list by now. If not, do it and segment your users or email list based on demographics, interests or purchase history. It’s important to segment lists for more targeted outreach.

The next step is to choose the right triggers for your emails. A trigger is an event or condition that initiates the sending of an email.

For example, here’s a list of important trigger conditions.

  • Sign-up or newsletter subscription
  • Purchase or transaction completion
  • Cart or browse abandonment
  • Specific milestone achieved (e.g., anniversary, birthday)
  • Account creation or profile update
  • Inactivity or dormant period
  • Post-purchase follow-up or feedback request
  • Interaction with specific content or products
  • Special events or promotions
  • Subscription renewal or expiration notice
  • Wishlist creation or update
  • Reward or loyalty program activity
  • Repeated site visits without conversion
  • Downloading content (e.g., e-book, whitepaper)
  • Webinar registration or attendance
  • Product restocking or availability notification
  • Feedback or survey completion
  • Referral or sharing with a friend
  • Seasonal or holiday-related triggers

After determining the trigger point, create your newsletter designs using Icegram Express (read technical documentation) or any other email marketing platform.

5-way triggered email marketing mastery tips

Forget blasting everyone with the same old email blast – those days are gone!

Modern email marketing is all about personalization and relevance. And the secret weapon in your email arsenal is the trigger or automated email.

Creating such emails isn’t difficult but I would say – it’s about crafting experiences that make your audience feel like you actually know them.

So, how to ace the triggered email marketing mastery?

The subject lines of emails are a major attraction. This is where I focus the most. Because this is what the user sees right away after activating a triggered email automation campaign.

If my subject lines make a strong impression, I experience a high email open rate factor in addition to increased sales and conversion.

Here are some top tips from my book –

1. Talk like a friend, not a robot.

Imagine you’re catching up with a buddy, not delivering an advertising or sales pitch.

If you want to make a solid impression, ditch the overly formal tone and embrace a conversational style.

Good subject line: “Hey John, remember that awesome thing you did?”

Bad subject line: “Dear Valued Customer, We noticed you…”

Personalized greetings, familiar language and even a dash of humor will make your emails feel less like spam and more like a friendly push.

2. Short & sweet is always better

Short, crisp and concise content always wins the game. So, avoid the longwinded narratives.

Get straight to the point, highlight the value you’re offering and guide your reader towards action with a clear call to action (CTA).

Good subject line: “Hey Sarah, your abandoned cart is looking lonely! Save 15% on that awesome scarf before it’s gone!”

Bad subject line: “Dear Ms. Jones, We noticed you placed some items in your shopping cart but did not complete your purchase…”

3. Hyper tailor the treat

Imagine sending someone a birthday cake for Christmas. Doesn’t quite fit, right?

Trigger emails work best when they’re relevant to the action that triggered them.

Did someone download an e-book? Offer them a related blog post or webinar.

Did they abandon their cart? Remind them about their goodies with a sweet discount.

Make sure your message resonates with the current/latest need or interest of the audience or user. If it’s not, try hyper personalize the message.

4. Can you see beyond discounts?

Discounts are nice, but they’re not the only way to add value.

Share exclusive content, like early access to new products or behind-the-scenes peeks at your brand. Offer helpful tips and tutorials related to their interests.

If you are in the technology sector, provide technical resources to walk clients through a tool.

Show them you’re not just trying to sell something; you’re trying to build a connection.

5. A/B testing: The last resort of getting better

Think of A/B testing as your email automation superpower.

Create different versions of your trigger emails with slight variations in subject lines, CTAs or even content.

Then, send them to different groups of people and see which ones perform better.

This helps you learn what resonates with your audience and lets you fine-tune your emails for maximum impact.

Here’s one bonus tip.

I reckon timing is everything in email automation or triggered email marketing.

Sending an email about an abandoned cart five minutes after it happens feels pushy, while waiting a week might make the customer forget. So, you have to find the sweet spot where the action is still fresh in their mind, but they’ve had some time to cool down.

Here are four things to consider to make awesome email newsletters and ace triggered email automation.

  • The subject line should be super impressive and crisp. Super creative and valued subject lines are the reason I make money.
  • Engaging email copy is the key to winning readers’ hearts. Your words must have the power to influence.
  • Attractive newsletter design and layout are also critical. Visual elements add more influence. Though I’m good at design, I usually turn to Icegram Express’s drag-and-drop editor to make eye-catching newsletters.
  • Finally, do testing and further optimization with A/B methods. And use tools like Google Analytics or inbuilt analytics of Icegram Express (or Mailchimp, HubSpot, etc.) to measure the performance of the campaign.

Also read: Best triggered email marketing software (SaaS vs WP Express)

If you’re already using Icegram Express, you are already aware of how easy it is to set up triggered email campaigns, improve website traffic and generate sales.

Get the free version of Express here if you’re not already using it. Check out the Pro and Max editions if you’d like a paid version.

Let’s go and trigger automated emails

Do you know what makes customers happy? No, it’s not free stuff or discounts (although those are nice too). It’s feeling valued and appreciated by the brands they love. And one of the best ways to show your customers that you care is by sending them triggered emails.

Imagine going to a friend’s house and they offer you your favorite cookies. You’d feel like you owe them something in return, right? That feeling is called reciprocity, where we feel like we should give back when we receive.

When we give something valuable to our subscribers, like a freebie or a helpful suggestion, they feel like they should engage more or even buy from us.

For instance, giving a gift to new subscribers or suggesting products based on their previous choices makes them more likely to consider buying again.

Birthday treats, early access to cool stuff or sharing helpful tips without selling anything – all of this makes our subscribers feel appreciated and more connected to our brand. They’re likely to stay engaged and maybe even buy something when they need it.

But remember, being honest about giving matters. Don’t just give stuff to trick people. Be real and build genuine relationships. When we give honestly, our subscribers feel valued and that’s what keeps them coming back.

So, when you create your next email, think about how you can make your subscribers feel like they’ve received a favor from you. Show them that others have liked your stuff too. It’s like giving and receiving – it keeps things going in a positive loop.

If you follow these tips, you will be able to create triggered emails that delight your customers and boost your conversions and sales.

If you’re new to email marketing or triggered email advertising, try out the super user-friendly Icegram Express WP plugin today!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. I would love to hear about your email automation experience from you!

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