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How to configure Postmark to send emails in Icegram Express?

Trusted by thousands of developers, Postmark is a fast and reliable application email service. Send with Postmark to ensure your emails get to the inbox on time, every time. If you’re searching for an easy and reliable method to ensure email deliverability, using the Postmark to send emails in the Icegram Express plugin would be a good choice.

In this guide, we will explain to you how to configure Postmark to send emails in the Icegram Express plugin.

Create Postmark Account

You can sign up for Postmark here. Setup your new login credentials and click on the Let’s get started button. Also you can know more about their pricing plans from here. To continue setting up Postmark with Icegram Express, you can start with a free Postmark trial account.

Create your sender signature

After successful signup, you will be redirected to Create Signature page. Here you can create a sender signature for your emails.

Note: Sender Signatures are the “From” addresses that your subscribers see when they receive emails from you. Postmarks require signatures to be confirmed before you can send from them.

After clicking on the Create Sender Signature, you will receive a confirmation email. Click on the confirmation link in the email to verify the sender signature.

Sender Signature – Confirmation Email

After clicking the button, you will see a success message like below in a new tab.

Sender Signature activated

Sender Signature

Note: To handle spam signups, all accounts in Postmark are put in Test mode by default. While your account is in test mode, you can only send and process 100 emails to sender signature email and other domains that you have verified. To increase the limit, you will need to request for Account approval.

Get Access Token

Now, go to your Postmark server page by clicking on this link. Here you will see a list of available servers.

Note: Postmark creates a default server for you. In case, if there isn’t any server, you can create a new one from the Create Server button.

Click on the server which you want to use for email sending in Icegram Express and go to API Tokens tab.

Copy the Server API token. We will use it in Icegram Express later on.

Configuring Icegram Express to Send Emails

Now that you’ve got your API token, you can prepare Icegram Express to start using Postmark for sending emails.

  1. Install and activate Max version of the plugin
  2. Navigate to Icegram Express > Settings page
  3. At the top of this page, you can set the From Name and From Email. By default, these will be filled with your site’s name and admin email.

General settings – Sender information

For the From Email, use an email address that you have verified as a sender signature in Step 2.

  1. Now click on the Email Sending tab and scroll down to the option Select a mailer to send mail and click on Postmark as the mailer.

Email Sending Setting – Postmark Mailer

Now that you’ve selected Postmark as your mailer, a new section will appear below the Mailers list. Here, you’ll need to enter the API token copied from Step 3.


  1. Once this information is added, click on the Save Settings button at the bottom.

Sending a Test Email

Once sender signature is verified and your settings have been added to Icegram Express, it’s important to send a test email to ensure that everything is working as expected.


You can try sending a test email from the option provided just above Select a mailer section.

You can enter any email address that you have access to if your account is approved or can add only sender signature email and other domains that you have verified. After adding the email, click the Send Email button.

After sending the email, you should see a success message. If you check the inbox for that email address, you should receive the email for this test.

[Test Email – Inbox] (