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How to choose a Split Testing Winner in Icegram Engage


The Split Testing feature is available in Icegram Engage Max plan. 

For your currently running campaigns on split tests, you can have a campaign winner in two ways:

  1. Auto Winner - Based on conversions and other metrics, this feature automatically decides the better converting campaign and declares it as the winner.

  2. Manual Winner - If you don't want to continue split testing after a specific period of time, you can manually declare a A/B test campaign as the winner.

Once Icegram Engage Max plan is set up, it will choose  the winner automatically (depending on which variation performs the best). But you may also choose the winner manually using the following steps:

To manually choose winner for your Split Testing campaign, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the campaign you wish to select the manual winner for.

Step 2: Declare the variation you want the winner by clicking on the "Flag icon" besides the variation name inside the variation tab. With this done, the Split Testing will automatically turn off.



Read more about Icegram Engage Split Testing feature.